

Tap Titans 2 新規プレイヤーガイド 1~800ステージまでの攻略法|タップタイタンズ2 攻略まとめwiki


※最終更新 2016/12/21

Tap Titans 2 新規プレイヤー向けのガイドです。








  • 影のブック(プレステージのレリック増加)
  • ヒロイックシールド(ボスゴールド)
  • Muerteの斧(クリティカルチャンス、高いAD)
  • Furiesボウ(ペットのダメージ)
  • エデンの果実(近接系ヒーローダメージ)
  • 古代のチャーム(呪文系ヒーローダメージ)
  • 嵐の剣(遠隔系ヒーローダメージ)
  • ダモクレスのブレード(すべてのヒーローのダメージ)



  • フォーサイトのパーチメント(warcry効果)
  • イージス(warcry時間)
  • ラグナロクのブリンガー(火剣の効果)
  • 氷斧(火剣期間)
  • ヒーローブレイド(ヘルメットボーナス)
  • レーテ水(武器ボーナス)
  • アメジストスタッフ(スラッシュ装備ボーナス)
  • 神の報い(すべてのダメージ)



  • ラディアンスのスタッフ(ヒーローコストを削減)
  • 予言の書(金を増やします)
  • インベーダーのシールド(良いAD)
  • 禁断のスクロール(クリティカル期間、良いAD)
  • 忠誠のリング(HOMの期間、良いAD)
  • 労働者のペンダント(HOM効果)
  • 沼ガントレット(シャドウクローン期間、良いAD)
  • 狂気のヘルメット(胸部装備ボーナス)



  • タイタンのマスク(ヘブンリーストライク効果)
  • エデンのエリクサー(シャドウクローン効果)
  • タイタンスピア(HOMコスト)
  • オークスタッフ(火剣コスト)
  • アルカナクローク(Warcryコスト)
  • フォーチュンの卵(Chestersonチャンス)
  • 満足感のチェスト(Chesterson金)


無駄なエフェクトや悪いAD /コストのスケーリング。

  • Valrunesの石(チタンゴールド)
  • ハンターの軟膏(シャドウクローンコスト)
  • インフィニティ振り子(ヘブンリーストライクコスト)
  • クマの手袋(クリティカルストライクコスト)
  • 酔ったハンマー(タップダメージ)
  • 神チャリス(10倍の金のためのチャンス)










  1. ヘブンリーストライク:レベル100格安予約ダメージのバースト。これは私の意見ではかなり役に立たないスキルです。私は文字通りそれを使ったことがありません。他のスキルのためのあなたのマナを保存します。
  2. クリティカルストライク:レベル200はあなたのクリティカルチャンスを増加させます。再び、全く役に立ちません。マナ・コストの価値はありません。
  3. ミダスの手:レベル300はあなたのタップごとに金を与えます。これは優れたスキルです。これは、初期のゲームのための金のあなたの主な情報源となります。5または0で終わるステージの特にボス、より多くの金のためにボスにそれを使用します(例、95、100、105など)
  4. 炎の剣:レベル400はあなたのタップダメージを乗算します。ここでも、優れました。これは、800 +ステージに取得するためのプロセス全体を通して、あなたの主な進行のツールの一つとなります。
  5. Warcry:レベル500はあなたのヒーロー「攻撃速度を増加させます。それ以外の場合は強すぎる、それらのボスを殺すための素晴らしいもう一つの優れたスキル、 - あなたのヒーローのダメージ一度はあなたのタップダメージを上回っ開始します。
  6. シャドウクローン:レベル600召喚毎秒X回あなたのタップダメージを与えるクローン。これまでのところ、(800 +ステージに)これは無用されている、それはしかし、ゲームの後半で役に立つかもしれません。




英雄は攻撃タイプを持っています。そこ混戦、スペルがあり、英雄の範囲でした。英雄 'ダメージの単一のタイプには多くの乗算器があります。かなり早い段階で、あなたの機器やペットに応じて、英雄のタイプのいずれかに特化した自分自身を見つけるでしょう。しかし、最初は各段階で効率的であり、特定のヒーローが存在することになるように関係なく、そのタイプのすべての英雄を平準化することが効率的です。戦略セクションでこのの詳細。



機器はTT2で新しいメカニックです。TT1でカスタマイゼーションと同様に、機器は、あなたのキャラクターの外観を変更するだけでなく、ボーナスを提供します。しかし、機器からのボーナスは、カスタマイゼーションがいたよりもはるかに強力であり、あなたがダイヤモンドでそれを購入することはできません。その代わりに、あなたはすべての20のレベルは、56であなたはその段階に到達初めての起動装置の一部を受け取ります。だから、56、76、96、116、136、156 ...等に到達初めて、あなたはあなたのswordmasterの横に装備ドロップが表示されます。それを拾うために、それをタップし、それは機器]タブに表示されます。


  1. 剣。これらには、例えば、すべての被害、すべてのヒーローのダメージ、クリティカルダメージをダメージボーナスを持っています。
  2. ヘルメット。これらには、例えば混戦ヒーローダメージのために、個々のヒーロータイプにボーナスを与えます。
  3. チェスト。これらは金にボーナスを与えます。Chestersonゴールドまたはすべてのゴールドのいずれか。
  4. 前兆。これらはその他のボーナスを与えます。削減タイタンHP、Chestersonチャンス、クリティカルチャンスがあります。
  5. スラッシュ。これらは、ダメージをタップするか、ペットのためのボーナスを与えます。









  • (剣のマスターと一定の英雄が持つ英雄のスキルから+ 0.1%のタップダメージから組み合わせ)あなたの総タップダメージ
  • あなたの現在のペットのペットのダメージ乗数(上位レベルのペット=より多くの乗数)
  • あなたの他のペットの受動的なペットのダメージ乗数(彼らはレベル5以上を打った後)
  • あなたのクリティカル確率とダメージ。(一部のオーラ機器は、いくつかの武器はクリティカルダメージを与え、クリティカルチャンスを与えます)
  • 機器からの任意のボーナス。(ペットのダメージに乗算器を与えるスラッシュ設備があります)
  • Furiesボウからのボーナス。






  • 雨メイク:金を与えます
  • マナポーション:(フラット100ダイヤモンドのコストを除くTT1からクールダウンリセットなど)のリフィルマナ
  • ダブルダメージ:8時間すべてのダメージ、タップ、主人公とペットを倍増。
  • ドゥーム:瞬時に現在のタイタンを殺します。
  • スワイプの力:8時間最高速度(毎秒20タップ)でタップスワイプ。
  • クランクレートは:あなたの一族の全員に雨作るよりもより多くの金を与えるクレートを与えます。氏族について説明されようとしている新たな整備士です。






ショップでは、あなたがダイヤモンドを購入することができる3つの項目があり、毎日リセットされます。あなたは、ステージ55-70 IIRC周りのどこかに達すると、それは最初に利用可能になります。時間のほとんどは、それはあなたが一度に1または時々2のレベルを購入することができるのペットを、販売します。あなたのダイヤモンドのほとんどは、彼らは非常に重要だとしてペットを購入するに費やされるべきです。





  1. 1-200
  2. 201-500
  3. 501-1000
  4. 1001-1800
  5. 1801-3000
  6. 3001-3000000




  1. ペット:ライトニングバースト。このスキルは時折中央に移動し、輝きを開始するためにあなたのペットを引き起こします。これが発生すると、三角形内のすべての3つの円が満たされるまで、タッピング続けます。あなたのペットが白点灯します。あなたのペットのダメージに基づく損害のバーストを処理するために、それをタップします。このスキルは通常のタイタンではなく、上司に動作します。

  2. ペット:ミダスのハート。あなたはこのスキルを持っている場合、あなたのペットは、時々その周りに輝く金の円を持っています。あなたはそれをタップすると、それはあなたの現在のモンスターに基づいて金を与えます。あなたがボスとChestersonsにそれを使用する場合より多くの金を与えます。

  3. ペット:フラッシュジップ。あなたはこのスキルを持っている場合、あなたのペットは、上司の戦いに輝く白い丸に変わります。あなたのペットをタップすると、それは新しい場所に「ジップ」でしょう。あなたはこの約5〜6倍を完了したら、それは上司の上に、上部中央に行きますよ。被害の多くを対処するために、それをタップします。

  4. ウルトラヒーロー。あなたはこのスキルを持っている場合、あなたのヒーローの1が時々点灯します。あなたのヒーローDPSに基づいて損害を行うには、それをタップします。スキルが活性化した後にタップする行の4つの英雄があります。



あなたは、実質的にあなたの威信速度が向上し、ステージごとに-1タイタンのための威圧的なプレゼンスを取得するときにそれはですので、今のあなたの全体的な目標は、できるだけ速く800を上演してもらうことです。(あなたは-2 800を打ったらそれで二つのレベルを取る。これはあなたの早いレベルの段当たり2タイタン+ボスを与えるキットからスプラッシュダメージと組み合わせます。)








2. 150への行き方

あなたが最初の2アーティファクトを取得したら、あなたはそれが非常に容易見つける必要があります。あなたはAD(muerte +別の150%の+の例アックス)の多くを得た場合、または136(機器低下と6遺物、次のアーティファクトのための十分のための)116で次のいずれかの威信、あなたが得るものに応じて。あなたは機器の前にしなかった場合、第三、136にプッシュ。




3. 250への行き方

あなたはあまりにもそれらを使用することができ、他のヒーロータイプのための乗算器を持っている場合は、あなたの強化された格闘ヒーローダメージに、Gulbrand、リースおよびCossetteは250までメインダメージ源になります。戦略は、370から400に同じレベルで、次の主人公を取得します。あなたは多分5かそこら、威信に数回があるかもしれません。あなたはすでにあなたが途方もなく物事をスピードアップするだろう何かを得ることができるように良い機器を持っていない限り、次の機器の段階たびあなたの威信をプッシュしてみてください。それとも、5 Chestersonチャンスオーラを得ることができ、それはあなたのためにRNGです。ペットミダスがめちゃくちゃ良いですとしても、200を得ることはかなり巨大です。

あなたは200をヒットすると、ペットを取る:ミダスのハート。これは、今から金のあなたの主な情報源となります。X5 / X0ボスにHOMスキル、のようにそれを使用してください。あなたは250を取得したら、スペル主人公のダメージのためのハイパーマジックを取ります。あなたも及んだと罰金を行うことができますがスペルヒーローは、今から最高のですが、とにかく範囲であったスキルのためのハイパーマジックを取る必要があります。

4. 300




あなただけの遺物を耕作している場合たびに、あなたの最大のステージに行ってはいけません。あなたの最大のステージに近づくとそれはとても代わりに、任意のスキル(多分1-2 MIDAS)を使用せずにすることができます最高のステージに行くが、その後warcry /数回firesword非常に遅くなります。あなたはマナが必要になるまで任意のスキルを購入しないように注意してください。ミダスの手まで何を買うに延期、そしてあなたがそれを使用しようとしているときのみ、それを購入。火の剣/雄叫びと同じ。

物事が最も近いX5 / X0ボスに、ミダスの手を遅く始めたとき通常私がやったことはありました。それは通常、私は少なくとも10のステージを得ました。そして、X0に再びX5ボスを火の剣、ミダスの手を買います。次に、あなたがより多くのDPSのために行くようにヒーローをアップグレードし、再び、火の剣2-3時間を遅くしたら。あなたが火の剣の効果のためにラグナロクのブリンガーを持っている場合にも多くのことができます。あなたはそれを持っていない場合、あなただけのwarcry代わりに使用したとのより良い運を持っていることがあります。

次のwarcry購入、その後、あなたは少しトリックを使用することができます。あなたがwarcryすると、英雄からあなたのタップダメージは(原因英雄からKronus「スキル+ 0.1%タップダメージに)多くを増加させます。その後、1秒左用火災の剣があるとき、warcryを使用してください。火の剣は、その全期間にわたりwarcryから増加したダメージを維持するため、あなたは、このコンボを使用して多くの段階を介して、高速化することができます。マナを回復するために、クリティカルストライク、天のストライクと影のクローンを購入します。あなたはあなたの周りの3-5ステージごとを押し、3-4 warcry +火剣コンボを得ることができる必要があります。あなたが火の剣とWarcryのためのエンハンサーアーティファクトを持っている場合、あなたも多くを得ることができるでしょう。

5. 300-400




6. 400-550




  1. ペット:ライトニングバーストレベル1
  2. ペット:マイダスレベル2のハート
  3. ペット:フラッシュジップレベル1
  4. ゴールドスプリッタレベル1
  5. より強力な武器レベル2
  6. ハイパーマジックレベル2
  7. ペットの進化レベル1



7. 550-800



  1. レディールーシー(呪文)ステージ440から450に。
  2. 段階560でジャズ(呪文)
  3. 段階700で、メープル(近接)。




あなたはwarcryスキル、スキルを使用せずに進め、次のX5 / X0ボスに5段をプッシュするwarcry +火の剣コンボを使用することはできませんしたら。ペットのMIDASがアップしているときに、その後、リジェネペットをマナ金ペットに切り替えて、ボスと戦う、MIDAS、ボス戦を残し、マナリジェネに切り替えるに切り替えることで、そのボスにファームMIDAS、。あなたはスキルがなくボスを渡すことができますいずれか、または別の火の剣+ warcryのための十分なマナを持ってまで、これをやっておいてください。ペットのジップが早期に開始されない場合は、上司が数回戦う再試行する必要がある場合がありますので、あなたは、RNGに応じて3-4ペットのジッパーで取得することができます。ただ戦う/それは最初の1秒以内に開始されるまで残します。





  • ノヴァ/デモ:すべてのダメージを与えます。常に有用な、間違いなくお店で25ダイヤモンドのレベルを購入します。

  • テンペスト/トト:すべての英雄のダメージ。あなたはこれらの高の1を取得する場合、それはかなりしばらくの間、あなたの一般的な目的のペットすることができます。そうでなければ、3ペット、スペル乱闘に1つずつとあったが必要になります。

  • バブル/ポリー:すべての金。プッシュするための非常に有用な、あなたは、これらの少なくとも一方がハイになりたいです。

  • 作品Fluffers:マナ回生。ときにすることができ、常に速くプッシュするための本当に良い、再び、レベルを購入。

  • アミー/フォボス:ダメージをタップします。あなたはしかし、ステージ200の下なら、後で自分のボーナスのほとんど役に立たない、それは英雄からのダメージをタップには適用されませんようになるので、あなたが購入維持する必要はありません25レベルを購入するグッド早期に、かつ確実にこれら。

  • ケルベロス/ Basky、ハーカー/ゼロ、スクラップ/ネズミ:ヒーロータイプのダメージ。テンペスト/トトの代替は、またレベルごとに、そのボーナスは、あなたが代わりにこれらを使用する場合より多くのようにあなたに高いレベルを必要としないかもしれないです。

  • キット:スプラッシュダメージ。迅速prestigingための最良のペット。威圧的存在感のある、あなただけの2タイタン+ステージごとにボスを殺すことがあります、最大巨人のようにあなたはスプラッシュダメージで一度に殺すことができる4.確かに25のために購入し、アップグレードです。


  • 私は私のダイヤモンドは何に使うべきでしょうか?



TL; DRのアドバイス:

  • 一族、できるだけ高いレベルに参加します。それはあなたの巨大なボーナスを与えます。

  • 130その後、主人公のダメージをタップダメージを使用します。

  • 370に真ん中のヒーローをアップグレードし、それは10への最新ヒーローよりも効率的でより多くのダメージです。

  • 25ダイヤモンドのためのショップからペットを購入します。

  • より多くの金のために5または0で終わるステージのボスにMIDASとペットのMIDASを使用してください。


Artifact Tier List

Updated 21/12/16.

Tier 1

These artifacts will help you push further, faster, giving you more equipment and skill points, which give the most bonuses early on.

  • Book of Shadows (increase relics from prestige)
  • Heroic Shield (boss gold)
  • Axe of Muerte (crit chance, high AD)
  • Furies Bow (pet damage)
  • Fruit of Eden (melee hero damage)
  • Charm of the Ancient (spell hero damage)
  • The Sword of Storms (ranged hero damage)
  • Blade of Damocles (all hero damage)

Tier 2

These are almost as good as the tier 1 artifacts, but not quite. Same idea, helping you push further faster.

  • Parchment of Foresight (warcry effect)
  • Aegis (warcry duration)
  • Bringer of Ragnarok (fire sword effect)
  • Glacial Axe (fire sword duration)
  • Hero's Blade (helmet bonus)
  • Lethe Water (weapon bonus)
  • Amethyst Staff (Slash equipment bonus)
  • Divine Retribution (all damage)

Tier 3

These give good bonuses or good AD so are good to have.

  • Staff of Radiance (reduce hero cost)
  • Book of Prophecy (increase gold)
  • Invader's Shield (good AD)
  • Forbidden Scroll (critical strike duration, good AD)
  • Ring of Fealty (HoM duration, good AD)
  • Laborer's Pendant (HoM effect)
  • Swamp Gauntlet (Shadow Clone duration, good AD)
  • Helmet of Madness (Chest equipment bonus)

Tier 4

Not as good as tier 3, mainly useful for a bit more AD

  • Titan's Mask (Heavenly Strike effect)
  • Elixir of Eden (Shadow Clone effect)
  • Titan Spear (HoM cost)
  • Oak Staff (fire sword cost)
  • The Arcana Cloak (Warcry cost)
  • Egg of Fortune (Chesterson chance)
  • Chest of Contentment (Chesterson gold)

Tier 5

Useless effects or bad AD/cost scaling.

  • Stone of the Valrunes (titan gold)
  • Hunter's Ointment (shadow clone cost)
  • Infinity Pendulum (Heavenly Strike cost)
  • Glove of Kuma (Critical Strike cost)
  • Drunken Hammer (tap damage)
  • Divine Chalice (chance for 10x gold)

Currently bugged: Heavenly Sword (All artifact damage). Once it's fixed it will be tier 2.

Game Mechanics

Sword Master and Skills

1. Sword Master

Like in TT1 your sword master is your main hero who deals your tap damage when you tap the screen. Upgrading him works a little differently in this game though: Rather than scaling up every level, your tap damage per level is multiplied by 2x (or more) every 20 Sword Master levels, starting from 10. Your sword master will be your main source of damage for at least the first 75 stages.

Like in TT1, you unlock skills when you level your sword master.

2. Skills

The Skill system is revamped in this game. Instead of having skills with an individual cooldown, you have a mana pool, and all skills have a mana cost. When you use a skill, you use up your mana. Mana regenerates over time, at a base rate of 2 per minute. This can be increased by certain heroes and by Pets.

The skills are:

  1. Heavenly Strike: Level 100. Deals a burst of damage. This is quite a useless skill, in my opinion. I've quite literally never used it. Save your mana for other skills.
  2. Critical Strike: Level 200. Increases your crit chance. Again, quite useless. Not worth the mana cost.
  3. Hand of Midas: Level 300. Gives you gold per tap. This is an excellent skill. It will be your main source of gold for the early game. Use it on bosses for more gold, especially bosses of stages ending in 5 or 0. (Example, 95, 100, 105 etc.)
  4. Flame Sword: Level 400. Multiplies your tap damage. Again, excellent. This will be one of your main progression tools throughout the whole process of getting to stage 800+.
  5. Warcry: Level 500. Increases your heroes' attack speed. Another excellent skill, great for killing those bosses which are too strong otherwise - once your hero damage starts outpacing your tap damage.
  6. Shadow Clone: Level 600. Summons a clone which deals X times your tap damage every second. So far (to stage 800+) this has been useless, it might be useful later in the game though.

Once you level your sword master to 600, you can prestige. Like in TT1, prestiging resets your stage progress and gives you relics. There is no bonus from hero levels, only from the stage you reach. You keep all pets, equipment, artifacts, perks when you prestige.


Like in TT1 you can buy heroes to attack the titans automatically. Heroes scale similarly to the sword master: instead of having skills that increase their own damage as in TT1, they get damage multipliers at first every 20 levels starting from 10. They keep getting these multipliers as long as you level them, but the multipliers are spaced out more the higher you go (eg. every 30 levels, then 40, etc.)

Heroes have attack types. There are Melee, Spell, and Ranged heroes. There are many multipliers to a single type of heroes' damage. Quite early on, you will find yourself specialising in one of the types of heroes, depending on your equipment and pets. However, at first it is efficient to level all the heroes regardless of their type as there will be certain heroes that are efficient at each stage. More on this in the Strategy section.

Heroes also have skills that you can buy when you reach a certain level. They are at levels 20, 40, 60, 100, 200, 500, 1000. All the heroes' skills affect you globally. They can give gold multipliers, damage multipliers, extra chesterson and crit chance, and damage for a particular hero type. Most of the skills are worth getting, but some are better than others.


Equipment is a new mechanic in TT2. Like customisations in TT1, equipment changes the look of your character, as well as providing bonuses. However, the bonuses from equipment are much more powerful than customisations were, and you can't buy it with diamonds. Instead, you receive a piece of equipment every 20 levels starting at 56, the first time you reach that stage. So the first time you reach 56, 76, 96, 116, 136, 156... etc, you will see an equipment drop beside your swordmaster. Tap on it to pick it up, and it will appear in the equipment tab.

There are 5 types of equipment:

  1. Swords. These have damage bonuses, for example All Damage, All Hero Damage, Crit Damage.
  2. Helmets. These give bonuses to an individual hero type, for example Melee Hero Damage.
  3. Chests. These give bonuses to gold. Either Chesterson Gold or All Gold.
  4. Auras. These give miscellaneous bonuses. There is Reduced Titan HP, Chesterson Chance, Crit Chance.
  5. Slashes. These give bonuses to Tap or Pet damage.

The best types of equipment are Swords and Helmets, with Chests being important also a little later. Initially, Slashes can also be very good as you will be using Tap Damage for a little while, until you reach the stage where your heroes take over.


Pets are another new mechanic in TT2, and they are extremely important. Every single pet is useful, and I'll go through what pets to look out for later on. Pets do three things. They appear next to your main hero, and do a lightning attack every 20 taps. The damage of this attack is a multiple of your tap damage. Once you get 500 total pet levels, pets will also attack by themselves.

Pets also provide an active or a passive bonus. You can have 1 pet active at a time, and you will receive its active bonus. Here is a list of all the pets and their bonuses.

Pets have a level. You get pet levels, and new pets, by receiving and opening eggs. You receive one egg every four hours, and you can store up to 2. You can also buy pets in the shop, and you can receive eggs from your daily bonus and as tournament rewards.

Once a pet hits level 5, you will receive its passive bonus when it is not active. The passive bonus is a percentage of its active bonus, as well as a bonus to pet damage. Getting as many pets as possible to at least level 5 is very important as your pet damage will start to become a main source of your damage starting around stage 550 (although certain combinations of artifacts, equipment and pets will make your pet damage overtake hero damage before this, for most people pet damage only starts becoming great after that stage.)

Pet Damage Mechanics

Your pet damage is affected by several factors.

  • Your total tap damage (combined from sword master and the +0.1% tap damage from heroes skills that certain heroes have)
  • Your current pet's pet damage multiplier (higher level pet = more multiplier)
  • Your other pets' passive pet damage multiplier (once they hit level 5 or higher)
  • Your critical strike chance and damage. (Some Aura equipments give crit chance, some weapons give crit damage)
  • Any bonuses from equipment. (There are Slash equipments that give multipliers to pet damage)
  • The bonus from Furies Bow.

Increasing any of these factors increases your pet damage. You might have to switch back and forth between pets once when you get a new bonus to get it to apply.


Just like in TT1, when you prestige you receive relics which can be used to purchase artifacts. Artifacts have an Artifact Damage bonus as well as another effect, usually a multiplier to something. Take a look at the artifact list above once you've done your first prestige.


Like in TT1 there are perks, which you can purchase with diamonds and use to give various effects. They are:

  • Make It Rain: gives gold
  • Mana Potion: refills mana (like cooldown reset from TT1 except a flat 100 diamond cost)
  • Double Damage: Doubles all damage, tap, hero and pet for 8 hours.
  • Doom: Instantly kills the current titan.
  • Power of Swiping: Swipe to tap at max speed (20 taps per second) for 8 hours.
  • Clan Crate: Gives a crate which gives more gold than Make It Rain to everyone in your clan. Clans are a new mechanic that is about to be explained next.

The most useful perk is probably double damage, use it for pushing further in tournaments if you can spare the diamonds. You can also get free perks from tournament rewards or daily bonuses.


Clans are a new feature, where you can join a group of up to 50 players. The option to join or create a clan appears once you reach stage 20-25. Once you join a clan, a ship will appear on your screen. This ship does 10x your hero DPS every 10 seconds. Joining a clan is incredibly important as this ship will help you immensely against bosses. It quite literally doubles your hero DPS.

There is also a Clan Boss, which you attack as a clan. You can fight it for 30 seconds every hour, or more often if you spend diamonds. The damage you do is the highest stage you've prestiged at, or 50, whichever is more. Once you defeat a clan boss, your clan damage multiplier will increase and a new boss will spawn after 6 hours. The Clan damage multiplier gives you a bonus to all damage which is quite significant. It's important to help kill the clan bosses as much as you can.


The shop has three items which you can purchase with diamonds, and resets daily. It first becomes available once you reach somewhere around stage 55-70 IIRC. Most of the time it will sell pets, of which you can purchase 1 or sometimes 2 levels at a time. Most of your diamonds should be spent on purchasing pets as they're very important.

The Fairy

Like in TT1 there is a fairy who comes along every so often and drops gold or gives you skills. If you watch an ad you can also get free Hand of Midas, 5 diamonds, gold, or a mana refill. Because of the possibility of mana refill it's best to keep your mana low. However, mana refill is quite rare so it's not a huge deal.


Like in TT1 there are tournaments every Sunday and Wednesday which give prizes based on your placing. The prizes are different depending on which bracket you're in. The brackets are:

  1. 1-200
  2. 201-500
  3. 501-1000
  4. 1001-1800
  5. 1801-3000
  6. 3001-3000000

Skill Tree

Another new mechanic in TT2 is that you have a skill tree, which gives various effects to your pets, heroes, skills, and character. You receive a Skill point every 50 levels starting from 50. At levels 50, 550 and 1050 (and presumably 1550 etc) you receive one skill point immediately, but for the rest you have to prestige to receive them once you've reached a stage that's a multiple of 50. Like equipment, you only get a skill point the first time you reach that stage.

Pet Skills (Actives, left tree)

  1. Pet: Lightning burst. This skill causes your pet to occasionally move to the center and start to glow. When that happens, keep tapping until all three circles in the triangle are filled. Your pet will glow white. Tap on it to deal a burst of damage based on your pet damage. This skill only works on normal titans, not bosses.

  2. Pet: Heart of Midas. When you have this skill, your pet will sometimes have a glowing gold circle around it. When you tap on it, it gives you gold based on the current monster. Gives more gold if you use it on bosses and Chestersons.

  3. Pet: Flash Zip. When you have this skill, your pet will turn into a glowing white circle on boss fights. When you tap your pet, it will "zip" to a new location. Once you've done this about 5-6 times, it'll go to the top center, above the boss. Tap it to deal a lot of damage.

  4. Ultra Heroes. When you have this skill, one of your heroes will sometimes glow. Tap on it to do damage based on your hero DPS. There will be four heroes in a row to tap on once the skill activates.

In general, anything that says "focus damage" is something you have to tap on to activate.

Strategy Guide

Your overall goal for now is to get to stage 800 as fast as possible, since that's when you get Intimidating Presence for -1 titans per stage, which increases your prestige speed substantially. (You take two levels in it once you hit 800 for -2. Combined with splash damage from Kit this gives you 2 titans + boss per stage in the early levels.)

1. The first prestige

The first prestige is very hard, harder than TT1. It'll take you 6-16 hours, possibly 4 hours if you use double damage. Your goal is to get to stage 105 and get your sword master to 600. At first, focus everything on upgrading your swordmaster for tap damage. Don't buy any skills until Fire Sword if you can. This is because buying a skill adds around 70 mana so you can get free skill usages by using your mana then buying a new skill. Heavenly Strike and Crit Chance are useless so there's no point buying them to actually use.

It will slow down a lot around 70-75. Keep pushing until you can't beat the boss (should be around 80-95), then either use fire sword to get to a stage ending in 0 or 5, or if you're already there, skill Hand of Midas. Enter the boss fight, then use hand of midas on it. Hand of Midas locks in the amount of gold you get per tap based on the current monster you're fighting when you activate it. Bosses give a lot more gold than normal titans, so activating it while fighting a boss locks in a much higher gold amount. This means that if the boss fight ends you still get the increased gold per tap for the remaining duration, even tapping on a regular titan.

Use the money to upgrade your sword master. Any left over, buy heroes to get their skills, especially Sophia as she gives multipliers to tap damage.

You pretty much have to keep doing this until you reach 105. When you're out of mana and need to use a skill, buy a new skill. If you've already got them all then you have to wait for your mana to recover. If you've already got a new pet and it's Fluffers, switch to that for extra mana regen, then close your game and do something else for a while. Once you hit 105, midas 1-2 times on the 105 boss to get the gold to upgrade your sword master to 600, then prestige. You'll get 4 relics, which you can use to buy two artifacts. Buy only one first, then salvage it if it's tier 4 or 5 on the tier list. Buy the next when you run out of diamonds or you get something tier 3 or higher.

(Note: currently the relic display on the prestige screen is bugged. It'll show 3 relics at stage 105. But if you press prestige again, another screen will pop-up showing 4 relics. You'll get 4 relics, even though the first screen says 3. It looks like this.)

With your first two skill points take Lightning Burst and Flash Zip.

2. Getting to 150

Once you get your first two artifacts you should find it significantly easier. Depending on what you get, either prestige next at 116 (for the equipment drop and 6 relics, enough for the next artifact) or 136 if you got a lot of AD (eg Axe of muerte + another 150%+). Then 3rd, push to 136 if you didn't before for the equipment.

130-135 is about the breakpoint where hero damage starts outdoing sword master tap damage. To get to 150 and beyond, you'll be using mostly hero DPS from here. If you got an All Hero damage sword and a Melee hero helmet, that is the ideal situation as melee heroes are the best up until around 230.

For the most damage per gold, you usually want to level the highest hero you can afford to get to level 310-370. This is usually a "middle" hero, 3-5 back from the latest one you can afford. This is because all the multipliers start stacking up. At first, heroes only get x2 every 20, while starting from 110, they get x3 and x4 at 210 and 310. At first this will likely be Rosabella, then Gulbrand, Davey, Rhys, etc. You'll have to get a feel for it yourself, do the calculations about what will be the best damage per gold.

Once you hit 150, prestige and get Stronger Arms skill with the skill point for x2 melee hero damage.

3. Getting to 250

With your enhanced melee hero damage, Gulbrand, Rhys and Cossette will be your main damage sources until 250. If you have multipliers for the other hero types you can use them too. The strategy is the same, level to 370-400 and get the next hero. You might have to prestige a few times, maybe 5 or so. Try to push the next equipment stage each time you prestige unless you already have good equipment as you could get something that'll speed things up tremendously. Or you could get 5 Chesterson chance auras, but that's RNG for you. Also, getting 200 is pretty huge as Pet Midas is insanely good.

Once you hit 200, take Pet: Heart of Midas. This will be your main source of gold from now on. Use it like HoM skill, on x5/x0 bosses. Once you get 250, take Hyper Magic for spell hero damage. Spell heroes are the best from now on, although you can also do fine with ranged, but you need to take Hyper Magic for the ranged skill anyway.

4. 300

250-300 is the first real "wall" as it will take you a few prestiges to get there unless you get some great equipment. All you can do is quick runs, buy new artifacts and upgrade your artifacts.

Prestiging strategy

Use Kit (a Pet) in the beginning stages for splash damage. Splash damage lets a percentage of your overkill damage from the titan you're fighting carry over to the next, and if it kills that one, the next, and so on. You can kill up to 4 titans in one hit with splash damage. Doing this speeds up early stages tremendously since if you're killing 4 titans with one hit you've effectively reduced the titans per stage to 3. Switch to your damage pet when you stop one-shotting titans.

Don't go to your max stage every time if you're just farming relics. It gets very slow as you approach your max stage so instead, go to the highest stage you can without using any skills (maybe 1-2 midas) then warcry/firesword a few times. Remember not to buy any skills until you need the mana. Hold off on buying anything until HoM, and only buy it when you're about to use it. Same with Fire Sword/Warcry.

Usually what I did was when things started slowing down, Hand of Midas on the closest x5/x0 boss. That usually got me at least 10 stages. Then buy Fire Sword, Hand of Midas again on an x0,x5 boss. Then once you slow down again, Fire Sword 2-3 times, upgrading heroes as you go for more DPS. It also helps a lot if you have Bringer of Ragnarok for Fire Sword effect. If you don't have it, you may have better luck with just using warcry instead.

Buy warcry next, then you can use a little trick. When you warcry, your tap damage from heroes increases a lot (due to Kronus' skill +0.1% Tap Damage From Heroes). Use warcry, then when there's 1 second left use fire sword. Fire Sword keeps the increased damage from warcry for its entire duration, so you can speed through many stages using this combo. Buy Critical Strike, Heavenly Strike and Shadow Clone to recover mana. You should be able to get 3-4 warcry+fire sword combos, pushing you around 3-5 stages each. If you have the enhancer artifacts for Fire Sword and Warcry you'll be able to get even more.

5. 300-400

300-400 is even slower than 250-300. Keep prestiging, buying new artifacts and upgrading, and pushing to the next equipment stage when you can. If you get something great, you can often keep going to the next equipment point. For skills, it now depends on what you have equipment for. In terms of getting to 550, you can do it with ranged, melee, or spell. Just specialise in one. Melee or spell are slightly better than ranged, with spell being the best overall. However you will do just fine with ranged in 300-500. You will likely have to respec your skills at least once (certainly once you get to 800) so save some diamonds for that.

Depending on your multipliers and the hero type you're specialising in, it can become more efficient to level your latest hero rather than getting middle ones to 370. For example if you have a ton of melee you can possibly skip straight to Jayce. You'll have to experiment with what works for you as it's dependent on your individual gear, skills and artifacts.

From this point forward, Pet: Heart of Midas is your best tool for pushing your max stage. Consider upgrading it to level 2 since that basically doubles your gold gain. However if you really need another hero multiplier skill you can consider that instead (although I would take Heart of Midas level 2 over a third level in a hero multiplier skill.)

6. 400-550

Getting through this part really depends on your equipment RNG. If you get absolutely nothing, you're kinda screwed. All you can do is prestige and upgrade artifacts, get your pet levels up, and try to push the next equipment point hoping for something great. At this stage depending on your pets, artifacts and equipment pet damage (so tapping) can come back into play, although for most people it won't be until around 560 that you have to tap.

If you're spell, Lady Lucy is more efficient to level as soon as you get her rather than focusing on getting Cass to 370.

The good thing is, once you can get to 550 you're usually very close to being able to hit 800. Once you hit 550, respec your skills as follows:

  1. Pet: Lightning Burst level 1
  2. Pet: Heart of Midas level 2
  3. Pet: Flash Zip level 1
  4. Gold splitter level 1
  5. Stronger Arms level 2
  6. Hyper Magic level 2
  7. Pet Evolution level 1

With one spare skill point. You don't need ranged damage as there are no ranged heroes until after 800.

Do maybe 2-5 more prestiges, upgrade your artifacts until you can comfortably hit 480 with minimal skill usage. Then, you're (probably) ready for the push to 800! I recommend doing it during a tournament as then you'll get something for pushing so far. The 800 push is going to take a while (12 hours +) but you'll get there.

7. 550-800

You can do this all at once, once you have the skills as above and some OK equipment. Also, this is where the tier 1-2 artifacts come into play. If you have many of these, they'll help a lot. Also helpful are spell hero damage artifact and helmet, melee hero damage artifact and helmet, all hero damage weapon, High level all hero damage pet (or high spell + melee pets), high level gold pet, high level mana regen pet. If you have all that you'll be fine. If you don't, you may have to grind a few more prestiges. Don't feel bad about doing that though as even once you hit 800 your efficient prestige point is still going to be around 550 for a little while.

Key heroes:

  1. Lady Lucy (spell) at stage 440-450.
  2. Jazz (spell) at stage 560
  3. Maple (melee) at stage 700.

You want to buy the newest hero as soon as you can afford it as they each give way more damage than the previous.

How to push stages

Push as far as you can without using skills. Skill only fire sword (if you have BoR) and you can use it whenever you're at full mana to speed up this part a bit, but don't skill anything else yet. This should be quite far, as with pet midas, you can farm gold on bosses, and pet zip helps you take down bosses that would otherwise be too strong. Remember to evolve all the early heroes and get Lala's level 40 skill for more tap damage from heroes. Actually, upgrade Lala and Aya to 200 as soon as it's reasonable as they give gold bonuses which are extremely helpful.

Once you can't advance without using skills, skill warcry and use warcry + fire sword combo to push 5 stages to the next x5/x0 boss. Farm midas on that boss, by switching to mana regen pet, then when pet midas is up, switch to gold pet, fight the boss, midas, leave the boss fight, switch to mana regen. Keep doing this until you can either pass the boss without skills or you have enough mana for another fire sword + warcry. You can get in 3-4 pet zips depending on RNG so you might have to retry the boss fight a few times if pet zip doesn't start early. Just fight/leave until it starts within the first 1 second.

Hopefully you'll get some helpful equipment during the push.

Once you get 800, use the skill points to get 2 in Intimidating Presence, x4 for all hero types (since the next after Maple who you'll use to get to 800 is ranged.) You'll stop specialising and hopefully have the gear to make any hero type work after this point.

Pets Guide

Every pet is useful. Having as many as possible at level 5+ is a great boost, and you want the important ones as high as possible.

  • Nova/Demos: Gives all damage. Always useful, definitely buy a level for 25 diamonds in the shop.

  • Tempest/Toto: All hero damage. If you get one of these high it can be your general purpose pet for quite a while. Otherwise you'll need 3 pets, one each for spell melee and ranged.

  • Bubbles/Polly: All gold. Extremely useful for pushing, you want at least one of these to be high.

  • Fluffers: Mana regen. Always buy a level when you can, again, really good for pushing faster.

  • Hamy/Phobos: Tap Damage. Good early on, and definitely buy a level for 25 if you're below stage 200. However, later on their bonus becomes pretty much useless as it doesn't apply to tap damage from heroes, so you don't need to keep buying these.

  • Cerberus/Basky, Harker/Zero, Scraps/Mousy: hero type damage. A substitute for Tempest/Toto, also their bonus per level is more so you might not need as high a level if you use these instead.

  • Kit: Splash damage. The best pet for prestiging quickly. With Intimidating Presence, you'll only be killing 2 titans + boss per stage, as the max titans you can kill at once with splash damage is 4. Definitely buy and upgrade for 25.


  • What should I use my diamonds on?

    A: Salvaging only the first 2 artifacts, or more if you want to spend money to buy diamonds. The bulk of your diamonds should go to pet levels. You can maybe buy a double damage perk for a tournament if you'll get enough as a reward. You'll also need some for skill respecs. Diamonds are more scarce overall than in TT1, and salvaging costs are higher.

Post your questions and comments below! I'll update the guide in response to any feedback and new information.

TL;DR advice:

  • Join a clan, as high a level as possible. It gives you huge bonuses.

  • Use tap damage to 130 then hero damage.

  • Upgrade middle heroes to 370, it's more damage efficient than your newest hero to 10.

  • Buy pets from the shop for 25 diamonds.

  • Use midas and pet midas on bosses of stages ending in 5 or 0 for more gold.

Version 1.08 (21/12/16) Updated tier list in light of recent changes.
